10 years ago, I developed Mini Ren Acupuncture therapy based on a traditional small blade needle to target superficial fascia nodules, muscle spasms, and scar adhesive tissues. It is a very effective, revolutionary, minimally invasive therapy to treat various soft tissue injury pains, nerve compressions, dysfunctions, etc.
Mini Ren Acupuncture is a therapy that integrates traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and is based on the four core theories of: 1) Abnormal tension theory; 2) Adhesion scar theory; 3) Myofascial trigger point theory; 4) Three-dimensional meridian theory.
These theories explain the occurrence and development of pain and the source and conduction of abnormal tension. Through superficial puncture, Mini Ren Acupuncture treats deep pain to restore tension balance, eliminate inflammation, and improve blood circulation. It eliminates pain and nerve compression quickly to achieve remarkable, timely, and long-term effects.
Its treatment features are:
This online course will help you learn the unique safe and effective acupuncture technique to help more patients and let you become expert!
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