Content of the MRA Course

Chapter I: Introduction of Mini Ren(Blade) Acupuncture (MRA)-Superficial Needling to Break up Nodules (SNBN)

-> Section 1.1: Includes 1)The author’s journey in exploring the MRA-SNBN; 2)The author’s educational and scientific research background. 3) Overview of mini-blade needles characteristics , possibility, feasibility and necessity of using mini-blade needles in clinical practice, especially in foreign TCM acupuncture clinics; 4) Introduces the name and clinical function of the nine needles in ancient Neijing time; 5) The biographies of Professor Zhu Hanzhang who was the founder of modern acupotomology; 6) The current Chinese acupotomology, the comparison between mini – blade needle and regular acupotomy; 7) 10 characteristics and advantages of MRA, differences from common acupuncture therapy.

-> Section 1.2: Presentation of MRA-SNBN training course to be held in 2019-2020;The core mechanism of and four theories related to MRA-SNBN based on modern pathophysiology are expounded in detail: abnormal tension theory, three – dimensional meridian theory, scar adhesion theory and fascial trigger point theory.

-> Section 1.3: Introduce the clinical applications, needle brand of MRA-SNBN; steps for diagnosis and treatment ; proper examination and treatment position; difference of contraction pain and pulling pain, key points to find proper nodules by palpation; methods to determine the therapeutic targets; the direction and depth of needling; meaning of extra needling and how to use it; the relationship between pain and tenderness; precautions before and after MRA-SNBN treatment; secrets to relieve pain during treatment.

Chapter 2: Treatment of head, face and neck diseases with MRA-SNBN

-> Section 2.1: The contents include the anatomical structure characteristics of cervical spine, cervical spinous process, cervical related muscles, preparation before treatment; treatment methods;

-> Section 2.2: Diagnosis and treatment of MRA-SNBN for the injuries of trapezius muscle injury sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis, splenius cervicis, scalenus anterior muscles.

-> Section 2.3 The introduction of the upper and lower nuchal lines ; the diagnosis and treatment of the nachal ligament injury. Diagnosis and treatment of injury in suboccipital muscle group, rectus capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, oblique capitis superior, oblique capitis inferior; the diagnosis and treatment of cervical vertigo, cervical spondylosis tingling and numbness, greater and lesser occipital neurological headache, trigeminal neuralgia;

-> Section 2.4 Diagnosis and treatment of MRA-SNBN for supraorbital neuralgia, vascular headache, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, C1 transverse process syndrome, C7 transverse process pain, case study of optical neuritis anopsia.

Chapter 3: Treatment of shoulder, elbow, wrist limb diseases by MRA-SNBN

-> Section 3.1: Anatomical structure and related muscles of shoulder, arm, elbow and wrist.The diagnosis and treatment of the injury in deltoid muscle, pectoralis major muscle, serratus anterior muscle and latissimus dorsi muscle, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, trapezius,

-> Section 3.2 The diagnosis and treatment of the injury in coracobrachius, pectoralis minor, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and subscapularis, biceps brachii,

-> Section 3.3 The diagnosis and treatment of the injury in triceps brachii, teres minor and teres major, as well as coracoid process syndrome, levator scapulae, shoulder joint motion axis.

-> Section 3.4: Diagnosis and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder periarthritis, shoulder bursitis

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-> Section 3.5: Diagnosis and treatment of pronator teres syndrome; Different sites of median nerve compression; lateral humerus epicondylitis, extensor carpi radialis, radial canal syndrome, medial humerus epicondylitis, and trigger finger.

Chapter 4: Treatment of lumbar and back diseases by MRA-SNBN

-> Section 4.1: Introduce the physio-pathological changes of lumbar intervertebral disc, lumbar joints and ligaments, movable axis and muscle injuries; the analysis of various lumbar and leg diseases causing pain and numbness in the groin, thigh, and calf; the diagnosis and treatment of the injuries in the costovertebral triangle, lumbosacral triangle; the third lumbar transverse process syndrome,

-> Section 4.2: Introduces the diagnosis and treatment of injuries in the psoas major muscle, the supraspinous and interspinous ligament, erector spinal muscle group and the inferior segment of sacrospinous muscle, iliolumbar ligament injury, superior cluneal nerve entrapment syndrome, external oblique muscle;

-> Section 4.3: Introduces the diagnosis and treatment of sacroiliac joint injury and disorders; pathological diagnosis and treatment of lumbar disc herniation; Introduces the anatomical characteristics of the related skeletal muscles, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the gluteus, piriformis, sacrotuberous ligament, tensor fascia lata.

Chapter 5: Treatment of Hip, Thigh and Knee diseases by MRA-SNBN

-> Section 5.1: The diagnosis and treatment of Meralgia paresthetica syndrome, and lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis; the injury in the muscles of biceps femoris, quadriceps femoris, rectus femoris, sartorius, adductor femoris, femoral nerve entrapment

-> Section 5.2: Introduces the diagnosis and treatment of and hamstring injury; the anatomical structure of the knee joint and the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions of knee pain.

Chapter 6: Treatment of leg, foot and ankle diseases by MRA-SNBN

-> Section 6.1: Introduces the anatomical structure characteristics of the muscles and joints in the lower leg, ankle and foot; the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as lateral malleolus pain syndrome, medial malleolus pain syndrome, heel pain.

-> Section 6.2 Introduces the diagnosis and treatment of plantar fasciitis, top of foot pain.